Source code for backprop.utils.losses.triplet_loss

# Implementation by

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

[docs]def pairwise_distance_torch(embeddings, device): """Computes the pairwise distance matrix with numerical stability. output[i, j] = || feature[i, :] - feature[j, :] ||_2 Args: embeddings: 2-D Tensor of size [number of data, feature dimension]. Returns: pairwise_distances: 2-D Tensor of size [number of data, number of data]. """ # pairwise distance matrix with precise embeddings precise_embeddings = c1 = torch.pow(precise_embeddings, 2).sum(axis=-1) c2 = torch.pow(precise_embeddings.transpose(0, 1), 2).sum(axis=0) c3 = precise_embeddings @ precise_embeddings.transpose(0, 1) c1 = c1.reshape((c1.shape[0], 1)) c2 = c2.reshape((1, c2.shape[0])) c12 = c1 + c2 pairwise_distances_squared = c12 - 2.0 * c3 # Deal with numerical inaccuracies. Set small negatives to zero. pairwise_distances_squared = torch.max(pairwise_distances_squared, torch.tensor([0.]).to(device)) # Get the mask where the zero distances are at. error_mask = pairwise_distances_squared.clone() error_mask[error_mask > 0.0] = 1. error_mask[error_mask <= 0.0] = 0. pairwise_distances = torch.mul(pairwise_distances_squared, error_mask) # Explicitly set diagonals to zero. mask_offdiagonals = torch.ones((pairwise_distances.shape[0], pairwise_distances.shape[1])) - torch.diag(torch.ones(pairwise_distances.shape[0])) pairwise_distances = torch.mul(, return pairwise_distances
[docs]def TripletSemiHardLoss(y_true, y_pred, device, margin=1.0): """Computes the triplet loss_functions with semi-hard negative mining. The loss_functions encourages the positive distances (between a pair of embeddings with the same labels) to be smaller than the minimum negative distance among which are at least greater than the positive distance plus the margin constant (called semi-hard negative) in the mini-batch. If no such negative exists, uses the largest negative distance instead. See: We expect labels `y_true` to be provided as 1-D integer `Tensor` with shape [batch_size] of multi-class integer labels. And embeddings `y_pred` must be 2-D float `Tensor` of l2 normalized embedding vectors. Args: margin: Float, margin term in the loss_functions definition. Default value is 1.0. name: Optional name for the op. """ labels, embeddings = y_true, y_pred # Reshape label tensor to [batch_size, 1]. lshape = labels.shape labels = torch.reshape(labels, [lshape[0], 1]) pdist_matrix = pairwise_distance_torch(embeddings, device) # Build pairwise binary adjacency matrix. adjacency = torch.eq(labels, labels.transpose(0, 1)) # Invert so we can select negatives only. adjacency_not = adjacency.logical_not() batch_size = labels.shape[0] # Compute the mask. pdist_matrix_tile = pdist_matrix.repeat(batch_size, 1) adjacency_not_tile = adjacency_not.repeat(batch_size, 1) transpose_reshape = pdist_matrix.transpose(0, 1).reshape(-1, 1) greater = pdist_matrix_tile > transpose_reshape mask = adjacency_not_tile & greater # final mask mask_step = mask_step = mask_step.sum(axis=1) mask_step = mask_step > 0.0 mask_final = mask_step.reshape(batch_size, batch_size) mask_final = mask_final.transpose(0, 1) adjacency_not = mask = # negatives_outside: smallest D_an where D_an > D_ap. axis_maximums = torch.max(pdist_matrix_tile, dim=1, keepdim=True) masked_minimums = torch.min(torch.mul(pdist_matrix_tile - axis_maximums[0], mask), dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] + axis_maximums[0] negatives_outside = masked_minimums.reshape([batch_size, batch_size]) negatives_outside = negatives_outside.transpose(0, 1) # negatives_inside: largest D_an. axis_minimums = torch.min(pdist_matrix, dim=1, keepdim=True) masked_maximums = torch.max(torch.mul(pdist_matrix - axis_minimums[0], adjacency_not), dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] + axis_minimums[0] negatives_inside = masked_maximums.repeat(1, batch_size) semi_hard_negatives = torch.where(mask_final, negatives_outside, negatives_inside) loss_mat = margin + pdist_matrix - semi_hard_negatives mask_positives = - torch.diag(torch.ones(batch_size)).to(device) num_positives = mask_positives.sum() triplet_loss = (torch.max(torch.mul(loss_mat, mask_positives), torch.tensor([0.]).to(device))).sum() / num_positives triplet_loss = return triplet_loss
[docs]class TripletLoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, device): super().__init__() self.device = device
[docs] def forward(self, input, target, **kwargs): return TripletSemiHardLoss(target, input, self.device)