Source code for backprop.tasks.text_classification

from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Optional
from backprop.models import BaseModel, AutoModel
from .base import Task
import torch
from transformers.optimization import AdamW
from backprop.utils.datasets import SingleLabelTextClassificationDataset

import requests

TASK = "text-classification"

DEFAULT_LOCAL_MODEL = "english-base"

    "english": "deberta-base-mnli",
    "english-base": "deberta-base-mnli",
    "english-large": "bart-large-mnli",
    "multilingual": "xlmr-large-xnli",
    "multilingual-large": "xlmr-large-xnli"

[docs]class TextClassification(Task): """ Task for classification. Attributes: model: 1. Model name 2. Model name on Backprop's text-classification endpoint 3. Model object that implements the text-classification task local (optional): Run locally. Defaults to False api_key (optional): Backprop API key for non-local inference device (optional): Device to run inference on. Defaults to "cuda" if available. """ def __init__(self, model: Union[str, BaseModel] = None, local: bool = False, api_key: str = None, device: str = None): models = AutoModel.list_models(task=TASK) super().__init__(model, local=local, api_key=api_key, device=device, models=models, task=TASK, default_local_model=DEFAULT_LOCAL_MODEL, local_aliases=LOCAL_ALIASES)
[docs] @staticmethod def list_models(return_dict=False, display=False, limit=None): """ Returns the list of models that can be used and finetuned with this task. Args: return_dict: Default False. True if you want to return in dict form. Otherwise returns list form. display: Default False. True if you want output printed directly (overrides return_dict, and returns nothing). limit: Default None. Maximum number of models to return -- leave None to get all models. """ return AutoModel.list_models(task=TASK, return_dict=return_dict, display=display, limit=limit, aliases=LOCAL_ALIASES)
[docs] def __call__(self, text: Union[str, List[str]], labels: Optional[Union[List[str], List[List[str]]]] = None, top_k: int = 0): """Classify input text based on previous training (user-tuned models) or according to given list of labels (zero-shot) Args: text: string or list of strings to be classified labels: list of labels for zero-shot classification (on our out-of-the-box models). If using a user-trained model (e.g. XLNet), this is not used. top_k: return probabilities only for top_k predictions. Use 0 to get all. Returns: dict where each key is a label and value is probability between 0 and 1, or list of dicts. """ task_input = { "text": text, "labels": labels, "top_k": top_k, } if top_k == 0: task_input.pop("top_k") if self.local: return self.model(task_input, task=TASK) else: task_input["model"] = self.model res ="", json=task_input, headers={"x-api-key": self.api_key}).json() if res.get("message"): raise Exception(f"Failed to make API request: {res['message']}") return res["probabilities"]
[docs] def step(self, batch, batch_idx): """ Performs a training step and returns loss. Args: batch: Batch output from the dataloader batch_idx: Batch index. """ return self.model.training_step(batch)
[docs] def configure_optimizers(self): """ Returns default optimizer for text classification (AdamW, learning rate 2e-5) """ return AdamW(params=self.model.parameters(), lr=2e-5)
[docs] def finetune(self, params, validation_split: Union[float, Tuple[List[int], List[int]]]=0.15, max_length: int=128, epochs: int=20, batch_size: int=None, optimal_batch_size: int=None, early_stopping_epochs: int=1, train_dataloader=None, val_dataloader=None, step=None, configure_optimizers=None): """ Finetunes a text classification model on provided data. Args: params: Dict containing keys "texts" and "labels", with values being input/output data lists. validation_split: Float between 0 and 1 that determines percentage of data to use for validation. max_length: Int determining the maximum token length of input strings. epochs: Integer specifying how many training iterations to run. batch_size: Batch size when training. Leave as None to automatically determine batch size. optimal_batch_size: Optimal batch size for the model being trained -- defaults to model settings. early_stopping_epochs: Integer determining how many epochs will run before stopping without an improvement in validation loss. train_dataloader: Dataloader for providing training data when finetuning. Defaults to inbuilt dataloder. val_dataloader: Dataloader for providing validation data when finetuning. Defaults to inbuilt dataloader. step: Function determining how to call model for a training step. Defaults to step defined in this task class. configure_optimizers: Function that sets up the optimizer for training. Defaults to optimizer defined in this task class. Examples:: import backprop tc = backprop.TextCLassification() # Set up input data. Labels will automatically be used to set up model with number of classes for classification. inp = ["This is a political news article", "This is a computer science research paper", "This is a movie review"] out = ["Politics", "Science", "Entertainment"] params = {"texts": inp, "labels": out} # Finetune tc.finetune(params) """ inputs = params["texts"] outputs = params["labels"] assert len(inputs) == len(outputs) step = step or self.step configure_optimizers = configure_optimizers or self.configure_optimizers labels = set(outputs) class_to_idx = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(labels)} labels = {k: v for k,v in enumerate(labels)} output_classes = [class_to_idx[i] for i in outputs] if hasattr(self.model, "pre_finetuning"): self.model.pre_finetuning(labels) dataset_params = { "inputs": inputs, "labels": outputs, "class_to_idx": class_to_idx, "max_length": max_length } dataset = SingleLabelTextClassificationDataset(dataset_params, process_batch=self.model.process_batch, length=len(inputs)) super().finetune(dataset=dataset, validation_split=validation_split, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, optimal_batch_size=optimal_batch_size, early_stopping_epochs=early_stopping_epochs, train_dataloader=train_dataloader, val_dataloader=val_dataloader, step=step, configure_optimizers=configure_optimizers)